I love what I do! Having a baby is a magical time in your life. The birth of your baby is a moment that you will never forget. I want to help you prepare for this special moment to ensure that it is truly a moment you want to remember forever.
I truly believe that when a woman knows how to deeply relax & has strong support, she can handle the strongest contraction: one at a time. You do not need to have a higher than normal pain tolerance to have a natural birth, but instead can learn how to work with your body, instead of against it. Learning about the normal process of labor and birth, will help you understand what is happening to your body. Labor is hard work, but not impossible. I have confidence and trust that a woman’s body can birth a baby without intervention. However, I also know that there are times when intervention is necessary, and women need to be able to make informed decisions regarding their care.
I like to think back and remember each of my labors and each birth. Each experience was as unique as my 9 children, and just as wonderful. I can’t say that labor was pain-less or easy, it was definitely hard work and at times very uncomfortable. But, I also don’t think it was a horrible, painful experience that I don’t like to think about. I love telling others about my labors and births because I think of them as good experiences in my life.
I like to think of labor as a rite of passage into motherhood. The moment right after each of my babies was born was so amazing. I will never forget the overwhelming love, sense of accomplishment and pure joy that I felt the first time I held each baby. This is what I hope to share with others, that birth is beautiful and your baby IS worth birth.
My most important work is being a mother to my children. I hope that I can share some of the wisdom and knowledge I have gained on my journey in motherhood!
My Education and Trainings:
- La Leche League Conference, Albany, NY 2015.
- Ithaca Breastfeeding Conference 2015.
- Ithaca Breastfeeding Conference 2014.
- Ithaca Breastfeeding Conference 2012.
- Virtus Child and Youth Protection Program (Diocese of Syracuse). 2012.
- CHIP training (Children’s Hospital Immunodeficiency Program) 2011.
- Advanced Practice Birth Support (Cocoon Birth). 2011.
- Lactation Educator Training (CAPPA-Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association). 2010.
- Labor Doula Training (CAPPA). 2010.
- Childbirth Educator Training (AAHCC-American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth). 2008.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Franciscan University. 2003.
My Experience with Birth:
- Attended over 90 births
- Birth Educator since 2008.
- RN at Mountain Midwifery Center. 2009-2010.
- Waterbirth
- Non-medicated births
- Epidurals
- Cesarean section
- Home birth
- Twin pregnancy & birth
- Birth Center births
- TENS use during labor
- Bradley Method
- Lamaze
- Hypnobirthing / Hypnobabies
My Certifications:
- 2011. CAPPA Certified Childbirth Educator.
- 2010. Certified Lactation Educator (CAPPA).
- 2011. Certified Labor Doula (CAPPA).
- 2008. Bradley Method Natural Childbirth Educator (AAHCC).
Professional Activities:
- Video Script Consultant for InJoy Birth & Parenting Education, Labor Pain Management. 2010.
Charitable Giving:
We make donations to Little Sisters of the Poor at the Mullen Home for the Aged in Denver. http://www.littlesistersofthepoordenver.org/donations